Tuesday, April 27, 2010

For those of you who like maps...

Check this out. That's a map of Surabaya with our house and our two schools marked on it. We're a little south of the downtown area, which will hopefully be nice. I believe we're living (and I'm teaching) in the upscale part of town. That suits us perfectly.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Only the Necessities!

Socks? Check.
Books? Check.
Teaching clothes? Check.
Rocket? Check.

Now, please tell me the most important thing I am forgetting in the comments.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

10 Days to Go!

Welcome, welcome, welcome! If you are visiting this blog, no doubt you know Sarah and/or I. And you also know that we are doing something kind of crazy/awesome. We're moving to Indonesia to teach English for a year. So let's just start with a little background info, shall we?

Sarah and I have been good friends for many years and we've shared many interests: music, food, bikes, friends, porches, collecting junk, and of course, traveling around the world. When we finally realized after years of friendship that we belong together (duh) we convinced ourselves that we should go teach English abroad somewhere. We knew we didn't have the guts to do it solo, as we'd both thought about for a long time, but with our forces combined, we pulled the trigger.

Last August, we headed down to Mexico to teach. But hey you already know all about that. If not, check out the blog: http://elcaminogringo.tumblr.com/ Long story short, we worked for a semester at a school we didn't like too much in a city we didn't like too much. But we still had a wonderful time. We got to travel and see lots and lots of Mexico and we got great experience teaching. After the semester we traveled around Central America until the end of February when we headed back stateside.

We've been here in the US for the last few weeks, mostly relaxing (freeloading) at our parents' houses. Thanks, Mom! But now that time is almost up. Wednesday April 28th at 8:56 am we take off on our 26 hours of flights. We'll arrive in Singapore Thursday night at almost midnight, where we'll spend a couple days while we finalize our VISAs. Then Saturday May 1st, we take another short flight to Surabaya, our new home.

Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia, which is the fourth most populous country in the world. So it's gonna be crowded polluted city life for us. But we'll be in a great position to see some of the most beautiful places in the world. And that's precisely our goal.

So keep in touch. We'll miss all of you - we already do. It was great getting to see so many friends while we were here. Check back for news and stories and pictures. And sign up for skype so we can video chat and show you our new home.

Selamat tinggal!